SEED is a NGO based in Tripoli, Lebanon. Its aim is to help people in financial difficulties to develop themselves. It started in 2014 as a self-funded NGO working only with volunteers from Lebanon and other countries from all over the world. It is now a NGO that helps close to 400 children and teenagers through two community centers run by 25 employees.
The work of SEED takes its place in a difficult economic and social context. The city of Tripoli has suffered a lot from the conflict between the two neighborhoods Jebel Mohsen and Tebbene these past few years. The tensions decreased only around 2014 and therefore the whole economy has been weakened : the tourist sector is almost nonexistent and the labor market offers very few opportunities, regardless the level of education.
There is a constant tension between certain areas that sometimes result in quarrels between individuals and everyone fears a return of the 2007-2008 situation. The arrival of an important number of Syrian refugees fleeing the war also strained resources that were already limited. In this context, it seemed important to propose the essential of education at the lowest cost possible.
That is why SEED implemented a project focused on education and vocational training. This program is divided in two main parts : the education one, with basic knowledge classes (named BLN Youth), and the vocational one, itself divided in two parts : one hotel management training and one sales/marketing training. The idea is to link the education with vocational trainings in order to propose the most complete preparation possible to youth who have been kept away from the labor market.
In this report, each element that constitutes the project will be developed separately, since all of them had their own difficulties and challenges. The NGO ANERA funds this triple project.